There is nothing like the feeling of dirt between your toes, warm breezes and the smell of the earth all around you. You guessed it, spring has definitely sprung in my neck of the woods!

It's time to get out those garden seed starter kits and begin our plan of attack in the Midwest. Most gardeners love the instant gratification of walking the isles at our local gardening center, loading your plants into the car and planting the blooms as soon as you get home. But if you love to save money and save the environment from all those plastic packs, and who doesn't love to save money while saving the earth, try planting from seed this year.

A couple of months ago I was contacted by Joni from Hometown Seeds with an opportunity to review their variety pack of garden seeds. Truth be told, I've planted from seed many times but never used Hometown Seeds as my supplier. I was interested to see how these seeds perform compared to seeds supplied by local box stores so I was game!

In less than a week my seeds arrived with a wonderful note from Joni. Squeee!~

I pulled out a great seed starting tray with cover, plantable containers and some starter soil.

The next step was to decide what to plant ... hmmmm. It's still cool here in the evenings with the occasional snow shower.

So I've started 4 annual seed varieties indoors: snapdragons, Shasta daises, wildflower mix and four o'clocks.

Now each of us have probably purchased seeds from the local box store and have had only a fraction of the seeds germinate. I feel your pain.

Can you believe within one week of planting I already have each flower variety type popping through ~ look at all those little lovies.

They aren't kidding over there at Hometwon Seeds when tell you they provide "professional quality seeds" to their gardeners!

To say I am really looking forward to transplanting my little lovies in my large entryway pots would be an understatement. It's time to come clean and tell you there have been daydreams about all the pending blooms, jealous neighbors pointing while passing by and how my children will argue about who gets to water them.

I've already been plotting the perfect week to plant all the lovely vegetable seeds Joni at Hometown Seeds sent in the newly expanded veggie garden. Honestly, if the vegetable seeds are as successful as the flower seeds everyone in my neighborhood will be eating healthy this summer!

I received one variety seed package to help in my review. The opinions above are my own and I was not paid for my review.
1 Response
  1. How cool! I'm glad your garden is already off to a great start! I have had bad seed luck...seed companies can sometimes be a little seedy.

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