Dear Grass,

I'd really appreciate it if you would grow in the designated areas and not in my veggie garden or flower beds.

I've given you quite a few acres to spread out and stretch your roots. Last year we spent many hours together mapping out thick mulch boarders in an effort to properly communicate your responsibilities. However, your tenacity is not welcome in other designated flower or veggie areas.

You must respect other vegetation in the yard. Failure to do so will force me to take action with the sharp edged spade and possibly damage your performance records thus far.

I'm glad we had this talk. To show no hard feelings will give you 24 hours to begin correcting your behavior.
3 Responses
  1. Stacy Says:

    Ugh! I was thinking the same thing this weekend as I sat weeding out the grass from all my flower beds!

    Why or why is it so hard to get grass to grow in the patchy areas in the yard but its grows just find in between your daffodils??

  2. Ann Says:

    If your formal letter works I may adapt it for the dandelions that continue to visit & never leave my front yard. Keep us posted!

    (Also, I've included your blog link at a site where you list your favorite blogs. I hope more "friends" come by and discover you!)

  3. And why does the BEST grass grow where it's unwanted? But when I TRY to grow it, it looks like heck? GARGH!
    We have a field that we've never done a thing to--it used to be alfalfa and now it's the nicest grass you ever saw. We should've just saved paying a landscaper and let nature put in our yard. Sure, it only took 5 years, but hey!

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