A while back we added crown moulding to our dining room. It was quite the ordeal and we are still working our way around the rest of the house but during the post I mentioned the possibility of some faux painting. I was quite apprehensive about trying the technique, I was a one color kinda gal and why mess with comfort right?
After some very supportive feedback, great research tips, and a couple of weeks of walking past a pretty bland dining room ceiling it I decided I needed to do something, anything, with the ceiling tray.
What better time to experiment painting the ceiling tray with a delicate parchment finish than over Christmas break. I mean I've eaten enough cookies and treats to power a large house via sugar so it was time to get some exercise in. What better way to avoid the StairMaster than to go up and down a ladder more times than I care to mention in a afternoon? Yeah I know, it's not for everyone.
Step 1: Tape off area & paint the area a base coat of eggshell linen white. Answer a bunch of hubby's questions as to why I was taping off the ceiling tray? Was this paint really a different color than the white that was already on the ceiling? Yada, yada, yada.
Step 2: In separate containers mix one part water and one part glaze (Studio Finishes 405) to both top coat colors (eggshell or flat sheen Dark Mustard 2161-30 and Nugget AC-9 from Benjamin Moore). Prepare cheesecloth by dampening it with water. Yet again answer a barrage of questions from hubby. Those look pretty dark, are you sure? Um, I don't know if I'm going to like this. Do you have a picture of what this is going to look like? Yada, yada, yada.
Step 3: In a 4x4 area apply squiggles of both paint colors to the area and blot with a damp cheese cloth in a figure 8 pattern until desired look. Wear your MP3 player with headphones to avoid the barrage of 'I'm worried' and 'I'm not so sure about this' questions/comments coming from hubby while painting. If the cheesecloth begins to feel as if it's not moving with ease rinse it out with tap water and continue on throughout until done.
Step 4: Continue until done & remove tape (I forgot to remove the tape for my big reveal photo ~ what a amateur). Sit back and smile while the kids exclaim a huge "WOW! That's awesome!" and hubbyy admits it looks pretty awesome himself.
The only problem now is the walls don't quite match the ceiling tones. If it's not one thing around here it's another. Stay tuned!
What did you do over Christmas vacation?
After some very supportive feedback, great research tips, and a couple of weeks of walking past a pretty bland dining room ceiling it I decided I needed to do something, anything, with the ceiling tray.
What better time to experiment painting the ceiling tray with a delicate parchment finish than over Christmas break. I mean I've eaten enough cookies and treats to power a large house via sugar so it was time to get some exercise in. What better way to avoid the StairMaster than to go up and down a ladder more times than I care to mention in a afternoon? Yeah I know, it's not for everyone.

The only problem now is the walls don't quite match the ceiling tones. If it's not one thing around here it's another. Stay tuned!
What did you do over Christmas vacation?
You must have so much energy and strength. I am impressed (at your strength AND at your good taste!). Great way to show off a vacation!!
Wow it looks awesome!