February in the Midwest is a never ending story with subtitles of cold, dark, dirty and snowy. In the matter of a few days we've experienced a deep freeze to a melt down leaving residual gray mud and a feeling of general dirtiness.
If it wasn't for our longer than life 'to do' list we'd be joining the ranks of many around us by entering the depths of seasonal depression. While I won't mention the S word, the season has to be around the corner right? I mean we are entering March at the end of the week. At least we have Shamrock Shakes to look forward to.

When we last talked I mentioned a upcoming special delivery. It's here! It's my attempt to take a whack at the total 4 months of decent walking weather in our parts and extend it to year round.
When we first built our home we struggled with the ultimate basement decision of "to finish or leave un-finished." The architect drew up plans including a guest suite, full bath, exercise room, living room with fireplace, theatre with small wet bar, hubbys woodworking shop and storage.
So far the storage area, the fireplace and hubbys workshop area are started. The rest of the basement is a sea of white waterproof coated walls and gray concrete sealed floors. As you can see not much going on in the workout room or guest bedroom side other than the special delivery I'll finish putting together this week.
During my weekend shopping I found a beige 6X9 Mohawk area rug in the remnant area of our local hardware store for $35. It will be used it to help define a section of the workout area, add much needed softness under foot and to visually calm the harsh basement environment as well as extra cushion for the treadmill. The check list for the workout area is long but not impossible so I will keep my eyes focused on deals and steals of the tax refund season.
To my surprise I had a forgotten second delivery last week. Two weeks ago I'd had enough of my front entryway, too much mud and gray slush not being contained by the wimpy rug we had so I did what I do best ... on-line shop!
I was lucky enough to hit a clearance sale. At 60% off and free shipping I claimed a new 3X5 area rug. While it's not at large as I would have liked (Hubby wanted no part of a 5X8 rug over the wood floor) I do like how the rust scroll accents add warmth to the entry.
A warmth you just can't get from the pile of tools, lovely red compressor and overall carpentry mess known as my living room at the moment. I do have to say the my 3rd child peeking over the back of the couch at us does do her best to cheer us up on these long February days.

To round off our tour of home construction projects I'll leave you with scenes of my office. I haven't been able to blog from there for a solid week.
So tell me my friend, how are you dealing with February?
If it wasn't for our longer than life 'to do' list we'd be joining the ranks of many around us by entering the depths of seasonal depression. While I won't mention the S word, the season has to be around the corner right? I mean we are entering March at the end of the week. At least we have Shamrock Shakes to look forward to.

During my weekend shopping I found a beige 6X9 Mohawk area rug in the remnant area of our local hardware store for $35. It will be used it to help define a section of the workout area, add much needed softness under foot and to visually calm the harsh basement environment as well as extra cushion for the treadmill. The check list for the workout area is long but not impossible so I will keep my eyes focused on deals and steals of the tax refund season.

So tell me my friend, how are you dealing with February?
Not feeling terribly productive this week...but chocolate gets me by!
I love winter and snow, but it is really cramping my DIY style. My paint spray booth has sat unused since December with a client's desk in it. I'm ready to get to work on my stash of furniture!
Hi there,
I dont remember the name of the blue we used on the powder room. I know how awful that is.. Since it is my friends house she has the paint can, when I talk to her next I will ask her to go look at the can. I do know that it was a behr paint, and it definitely has some grey undertones. Have a great weekend!
We here in Atlanta keep having teases of Spring, then back to Winter, than back to Spring, then back to Winter. Argh. But as you say, at least there's the Shamrock Shakes. hehe