A few months back Lady O interviewed Jamie Johnson, heir to the pharmaceutical company. The premise of the interview was how Jamie was exposing the wealthy and how they don't like to talk about it via his documentaries and column in Vanity Fair.

The entire time I watched this interview I was struck not only how cute Jamie was (cougar talk here) but also how much wealth his family has accumulated ... and quite honestly how much they will continue to earn for years to come. It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that I was attributing to this wealth at an alarming pace via cleaners, soaps and prescriptions.

Here's my story, each spring and fall I adorn my really crappy clothes, raise myself to death defying heights and wash the windows. Thanks for my obsessive need for light our house has 98 windows. Times two (inside and outside) I clean 196 windows twice a year. Any idea how much window cleaner that is? Any idea how many days this takes me? A full 32oz or one quart each cleaning over two days. Yup. I should just reserve my special oh so stylish white coat now.

Needless to say, Jamie and his top 1% friends have enough of my money. I'm pretty sure he's not going to be dropping by to pay me a 'Thank you for sending me to college' visit anytime soon. As for the invitation to a few of those ultra exclusive wealthy to dos ... I'm still waiting for the invite in the mail.

Dear Jamie,

I can no longer carry on this one sided relationship. You don't call or write, we're not facebook friends or tweet each other. It's over.

With the help of my new best friend google I've been able to create my own personal window cleaner. Yes, you've read right. I know JNJ doesn't make window cleaner but it's a start, we've all got to start somewhere. Based on my success with window cleaner I'm pretty sure I'll be making a lot more of my own home remedies/cleaners and sharing them from now on. I know, I know ... we'll still pass each other in the grocery health care isles and various other drug stores but I'll be keeping more of my money from now on. You may want to warm your friends over at the other Johnson company.

Some day I know we'll look back on this moment, appreciate the green movement and be able to once again love each other but I have to be honest with you ... today is not the day.

However, if you should decide to stop by, call, write, tweet, friend me or finally send an invite to dinner I may make an exception.

Clearly not yours,

Window Cleaner

1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 tsp liquid soap
2 cups water
A few stems of lavender or a few drops of lavender oil
(If you use home grown stems they look like seaweed floating around but smells awesome & helps repel bugs)
2 Responses
  1. Yay for you! I've long ago given up buying many cleaners. It's a money and an environment saver. The addition of lavender sounds like something I'll have to try.

  2. Deborah Says:

    I just found your blog! It's nice and I never thought of the lavender idea, I have used vinegar and water for everything, I even wash the floors with it! Have a nice weekend!

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