In the past few weeks my kids have decided, at the ages of 8 & 7 ~ amazing how kids know what they know at this age, they no longer adore the 'duck' themed bathroom. Off to Wally World we went. Fresh out of the package (wrinkles and all) here's the shower curtain they picked.

Of course we purchased all the matching towels, soap dispenser, toothbrush holder and shower curtain rings. The only problem we had was finding something for the wall. Notice the 3 nails? Yup, 3 cute pictures of ducks taking baths used to be there. Sigh.

The past week we've been schlepping from store to store attempting to find something remotely close to matching but Nada. On our last trip to Hobby Lobby (I can never walk out of that store without something) I decided I would paint something. Here are the supplies.

As I pulled them out of the bag I'll admit I was a bit nervous. I mean what if this was all a HGTV inspired disaster? What if I couldn't come up with something fun, retro and to the kids liking? Anxiety overload before I even unwrapped the canvas. For two days I took my time and only painted when I felt like it. The kids came to check on the painting from time to time and I think were quite impressed. Anyway, they are happy with it and I'm happy I didn't spend a fortune to decorate a bathroom.

Oh and just in case any of you know David Bromstad, Candice Olson or Vern Yipp this by no means allows them to take me off of their remodel list!
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2 Responses
  1. Love the colors!!!!!! ♥

  2. That's a great shower curtain! I adore that color combination, too. bathrooms are so satisfying to decorate--pretty inexpensive and even a new shower curtain makes a HUGE difference.

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