1st things first - A deep heart felt Thank you to all our Veteran's and their families out there. If you know someone who served please take the time to call them, buy them a coffee if there in line at the local coffee shop or stop them wherever you are and say Thank you. You'd be surprised how many of them are shocked someone is thanking them. Clearly we haven't done enough Thanking; more is needed.
Now onto the spending freeze ...
Now onto the spending freeze ...
I found this great photo frame set with Merlot beaded accents (left) ~ this is the icing on the cake for my budding Tuscan kitchen.
After browsing through Tuscan Vineyard photos, I found some great royalty free photos and WHolAh! I now have the perfect odd wall size piece of eye candy.
Look at all those camera flash exposures ... amateur!
Look for part three of the 'spending freeze' Wednesday!
Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you hanging ~ check out our kitchen dinette below. It's overcast today so not that great of a picture ~ sorry!
Love the pic of the dining room. Yes, your "Marthaness" is showing.
You go girl! I am trying to do a spending freeze as well. I am making soup with a bunch of stuff I found in the cabinets...let's hope it tastes good!
Look at that yard! It looks like a football field.