See, it all started with one of those quick set up pools. We've all seen them in the box stores; big, blue and with all those smiling families on them. Unfortunately, what they don't tell you is this very product can test your parenting skills beyond belief.

My neighbors quickly found out that getting past the set-up, making sure it's level and filling it is only the beginning.

As per the so called quick set up instructions, they began treating the water only to wake up to a swamp brown pool the next day. They emptied the pool, refilled it and once again treated the pool only to awake to the brown swamp once again. In panic mode she sent a SOS email to me asking what they did wrong because we have a pool in our back yard.

While reading her email I realized their mistake and was glad to help out with a list of the correct chemicals to purchase, when to add them and how to maintain the pool for the season along with inviting their kids over for an afternoon while their pool was warming up. They happily came over for an afternoon and while our kids were swimming I walked her through pool chemical boot camp.

For the remainder of the week I would receive emails letting me know what they've added and how the pool looked. I gladly sent her back suggestions and much encouragement. By the following weekend her son was able to have all his friends over for a birthday swim party and they are enjoying the rest of the summer swimming swamp water free.

Last week I arrived home to this on my front porch. No note.

I have a pretty friendly neighborhood so I went ahead and opened it.

YUM! I quickly checked the bottom label and instantly knew which neighbor left such a scrumptious treat at my front door. Did I mention she is an employee of a baking company? If you like what you see and interested in purchasing your own visit K-Delites.
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2 Responses
  1. SO cute! I've heard that it's harder to keep smaller pools clean--less water equals less pollutants necessary to contaminate them. Who knew? I'd have never guessed that...

  2. Ann Says:

    What a fantastic exchange! You are so fortunate to have neighbors like that.

    (Now, do they need any advice on wine - as in 'how to enjoy wine' - I can help with that!)

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