Are you ready for the big reveal? Here's a quick recap:
The tale of getting the bedroom set apart was just the beginning!

A photo of the stripping fun with citrus smelling goo. It was quite the messy ordeal if you ask me but well worth the effort.

As you can see from my photo of the four poster spindles one coat is not going to cut it with these pieces.

Here's one last peek at the before ~ notice all the sun faded ugliness.

Here she is back in her rightful place. You may notice the bed frame is now much darker than the step stool and side dressers ~ guess what I'll be doing the rest of this summer?!

I do have this piece directly across from the bed I re-finished some time back in the bedroom as another possible inspiration piece. You can read about it's transformation here.

Now the only question is what shall I do with the rest of the bedset? Matchy, matchy is so stodgy and so out lately. Got any suggestions?
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5 Responses
  1. Love the bed! I happen to know how much work goes into a project like that, so, Way To Go!

    Try switching out pieces with other rooms in the house. If that doesn't work then try to hit some garage & estate sales. I've found some of my fave pieces that way.

  2. Ann Says:

    Hey thanks for visiting my blog housefinally.blogspot. I love how your bed turned out! I would try to add another color accent in a throw and/or some pillows...maybe a print? Try burlap-y shades on those lamps to add some textural interest maybe?and paint the stool off-white or something just to mix it up. I agree: I'm all done with matchy-matchy too! I am very impressed with your dresser re-do as well!

  3. Tonya Says:

    I love it darker! Great job!

  4. love the bed it's amazing work!This is simply stunning and so it.

  5. Vicky Says:

    Love the bed! You did an awesome job on this room! It looks so relaxing.You truly transformed your space.

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