As any Mother can tell you we spend most of our time in the laundry room/area. I hate laundry and by hate I mean loathe.
Last year hubby tiled one half of my laundry room (because I do the laundry ~ every piece of it). It took a week but he got it done to my specifications.
I loved it so much I wanted the other side of the room done as soon as possible. I'm not sure why we didn't have it done at the same time but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with not being able to do laundry for a week if we proceeded.
This summer I moved the project to the top of the list. I am so glad I did. It doesn't get any more laundry done any faster of course but it sure does look great!
Looks nice! I loathe laundry as well...washing it is not the problem it is folding it and putting it away!
For some odd reason, I actually love doing the laundry. Yeah, odd, I know.
We started remodeling our MBA 14 months ago. Nothing has been done on it in 12 months. We are at the tile stage. Everything is purchased and ready to go...but the hubby won't even look at it. I applaud (LOUDLY) your hubby for finishing this task. I'm jealous.
I painted my laundry room green in hopes that my favorite color would make it a less offensive task. Whatever works, right?