What seems like "forever ago" I blogged about Hubby's visit to the ER with chest pains. We still are not sure exactly what's causing it but we've been slightly relieved that his stress test shown the pipes and heart working just fine (a test by the way you want the insurance company to pay for ... nearly needed to be taken to the ER when I opened that little present!).

The docs are concentrating on either heart burn or ulcers which means we need to work on lowering his cholesterol and he's taking some OTC heart burn meds for the next 5-6 weeks. So far he's reported the frequency and strength of the chest pains have diminished, not gone but less which is a good thing.

So the day after his test results he was out shoveling stone into his latest project: the wood shed. Seen as how we live out in the middle of no where we have two choice for heat in the winter propane or wood. We tried propane the first year we moved here but after we added up our bills and realized we spent enough money to purchase a brand new car the jig was up. We stuck it to the man and converted to a efficiency wood burning fireplace. Now each fall hubby revs up the chain saw and wood splitter.

Now mind you, hubby never does anything simple. He's gotta always what I'd call 'over engineer' everything. Check out this woodshed. On the bright side we can use it as a band stand in our retirement! Chime in on which bands I should start stalking to play at our little shack!

Yes, it's as big as it looks.

Speaking of BIG ~ don't forget to stop by Candid Carries' Friday Foto Finish Fiesta!
TGIF Everyone!
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4 Responses
  1. monica Says:

    Wow huge wood shed. What wonderful work!! Stopping in from Carries! Have a great weekend!

  2. Now that is a post! :) Glad Mr. Blarney is doing well. My husband had a similar situation in February and yeah, the bill was out of control. Then my (secondary) insurance company tried to tell me it was a routine visit and wouldn't pay. Say what?! Luckily the hospital worked with me to change the diagnosis codes and it was paid. Yay!

  3. Oh the possibilities are endless! But, you'd have to hog tie your hubby to keep him from making improvements for the bands. So relieved to hear it's alright for now. I have the same problems but they manifest themselves in different ways. None of it is welcome...

  4. Glad he's not the type of guy that refuses to see a doctor! Or you wouldn't have that very cool wood shed!! Take care of him. He sounds like a keeper! ♥

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