Wow! It has been a while since I've blogged ... thanks to those of you who have sent me messages telling me it was time to blog again!

Thanks to those of you who had tips on my tipsy pictures. Despite the urge to use some minty goodness on them (gum) I did find Handi Tac at the local Wally's world and it's been working like a charm. I'll admit for a hour or so I was the Handi Tac queen ~ running from room to room gleefully sticking the gum like substance on the back of every picture; it was pretty liberating really. Sound crazy I know but once I realized how well the stuff worked, well, let's just say everything around here is now Handi Tac-ed to the wall.

It's spring around here which means 'flower watch' and we are thrilled when something new blooms. This week tulips are in full force, my magnolia is smelling awesome, the Rhododendrons are bursting with flowers and Bruno has returned. Yup, what would spring be without Bruno my faithful cardinal who just loves to wake us up at 5am by banging into the windows!

I leave you with a picture of my backyard. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend everyone!

8 Responses
  1. Chris Says:

    Well, hello and welcome back. It's been a little bit. Glad to see you're alive! :)

  2. It is so good to hear from you. What a gorgeous backyard! I was just roaming mine and groaning.

  3. Migraine Mom Says:

    Welcome back! Happy Spring!

  4. Glad to see a post from you again. Beautiful picture! Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  5. Mariah Says:

    Wow! What a backyard. I'd sit there all day. Happy Mther's day to you!!

  6. ooh! I'd love to sit and sip coffee on that bench!

  7. Debbie Y. Says:

    Here in the south it has gone straight to summer, no spring to speak of at all. It is hot and muggy, but I'm thankful for the rain at least we are not in drought zone yet!

    Nice pic!

    Hope you are doing well.

  8. Love the shot of the backyard. I'd have a hammock strung up somewhere for sure...

    Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day!

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